Sunday, October 23, 2016

Coding Priorites

Team. This Rosetta Stone for popular computing languages is progressing slowly. No, we are not chiseling stones in Al Gore's garage. We simply have other priorities. That is the joy of being a hobbyist. One can pick up and put down projects when comfortable and convenient.

Please, forgive the source examples on STDOUT and STDIN which were promised and have been undelivered. It is not vaporware; it is simply in a very low-priority thread. Also, we are not abandoning this effort.

A few other Rosetta Stones for coding exist online. Most have cryptic code for esoteric processes. Our goal is simple, well-documented, highly-readable, and understandable programming sources.

We will do our best at keeping these as simplistic as we can. Many of the coding samples exist in literature and on the WWW. Some would work well for this effort. Others would not. These simple samples just have not been gathered and placed in one location, yet.

This process which we are undertaking is often described by an egg-headed English word, chrestomathy. In Zhongwen (Chinesse), 讀本, this word has a much simpler and shorter representation. And, from the perspective of a native English-speaker, any word which looks simpler in Chinese than English is likely any over-complicated word describing a process which can easily become overly complexified.

We will work on simplifying the current WWW computer programming language chrestomathy approaches.

Only touching base. The Rosetta Team.