Monday, August 30, 2021

Fuller Vision for CABOOSE [ Nicknamed : SunCatcher @ IBM ] - An Iced Berg

Team. With the start of a new work-role as a full-time college instructor within the past six months, time has not permitted much of an opportunity for pursuing this project and other irons which are roasting in the furnace. In a sense, they are all resting on the back burner until this graying professor is not occasionally treading water in his daily tasks but regularly doing a leisurely backstroke, butterfly, freestyle, or free flowing combination thereof.

Yet, as a point of reference, he decided that he would record a more complete version of the vision for controller application bundles for object-orientation. Which he pitched IBM under the moniker of SunCatcher.

SunCatcher rest upon the following principles:

  • Development is cognitively simpler with the use of a general-purpose controller (GPC).
  • GPCs provide for better concern partitioning and organization.
  • GPCs are applicable in the normal case of software creation.
  • GPCs are applicable with other standard forms of concern partitioning, including traditional structured programming techniques and those which are more modern such as object- and aspect-orientation.
  • GPCs are enhanced through the use of templates stored in a view model.
  • GPCs should be supported with an architectural control language (ACL) file which describes the flow of information between the data model and presentation view. 
  • GPCs flourish when used on "universal" language platforms seeing that this enhances portability through inherited language traits.
  • GPCs fall in the category of a language translation tool in light of the ACL.
  • GPCs are a overlooked "missing link" in computing that are conceptually simpler yet more advanced, flexible, and powerful than compilers and interpreters.
  • GPCs can be resident in any unit of software architecture.
  • GPCs are idempotent; in other words, a GPC composed with a GPC is also a GPC.
  • GPCs were originally envisioned at the outset of the birth of an architectural view of software in the Spring of 1989.
  • GPCs would have changed the last thirty-plus years of software development methodologies had they and their visionary not been intentionally suppressed.
  • GPCs are simple enough that an elementary school student could build a worthwhile system with impressive features using them.
  • GPCs follow this simple adage, "a place for everything and everything in its place."
  • GPCs work well in WYSWYG environments.
  • And, that is the hummock of this iceberg.

The bummock is all that one's mind can imagine and all that one's thoughts can build in the deep vortexes and eddies of one's mind.