Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Fourth Phase Completed - Rust Problems Resolved

Team. We resolved the trouble that we were having in terms of linking in the proper external Rust library for regular expression processing. These Rust libraries are called crates. Since we are using MS Visual Code as our editor and work environment, we had been compiling the Rust portion of this project with "rustc". The author does not have any "hobbyist" or "professional" experience using some of the languages in this project, including Clojure and Rust. Each of these has a "special" tool for building projects, compiling, and running them. Clojure uses "lein" short for "Leiningen" and Rust uses "cargo". Once we found some guidance on-line that outlined the use of cargo for creating, building, and running Rust projects, we had more success and the crates were added correctly. The hard-core "Rustaceans" who might be reading this are likely saying, "Duh!".

Yet, making a long story short, we have completed the fourth phase of our simple "general-purpose" controller project which is in this incremental archive.

Hunt. Peck. Think. Enjoy This Coding Day!

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