Sunday, June 28, 2020

Tin Roof Rusted

Team. The next deliverable is about 4.0 PH from completion, conservatively. The HTML file which will be printed at this stage of evolution has a couple of placeholders that we shall replace. The Rust component requires linking in a specific library, regex. Since the author is a Rust novice, this process will require some on-line background reading. One can skin a cat in a number of ways. And, more than one method exists for linking in these regular expression(regex) subroutines. We must settle on one and get the code working. It will return the HTML with the placeholders, but we should "explicitly" replace them with "live" data. So, it has been a "Tin Roof Sunday".

Some of the source code modifications took less than 0.25 PH. Others required 0.75+ PH. The author has not regularly code the C language since 1998. And, it can be rather unforgiving for a misplaced pointers. Luckily, we found code samples which we could adapt and evolve.

Monday will be a "development-free" day. We should rap up the Rust component on Tuesday. If not, we shall deliver what we have on Wednesday as promised.

Hunt. Peck. Think. and Keep It Simple.

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